Saturday 2 November 2013

Day off number one!

This morning we didn't do much. I slept in a little and then got ready. One of my roommates from Norway had her throw in last night and they didn't know where one person was. So Monica and I went to his apartment to check I see if he was home. After that K and I got on a bus to the commons at almost one. She needed to go and change over some money to American. Once we got to the commons we walked over to the outlets. On the way to the exchange place K saw a photo booth so we went and took our photos. They look amazing if I do say so myself! After our adventures there we walked back to commons to wait for the bus to down town Disney!! Down town Disney looks a lot different then I thought it would. It is still really cool though. The world of Disney store is amazing, it is basically everything they sell in one store! I can't wait to have a discount! After downtown we bused back to vista way. We where going to go for a swim but then decided to walk to this store so K could get a new baiting suit. After we got back we went to the pool for about two hours. After that we both where getting tired do we went back and made ourselves dinner.  We just had a relaxing night at home and through out that time out other roommates came home. Kim, Carrie and I all picked out our outfits for  traditions and got our things ready. Tomorrow is traditions and I am so excited!!! I will update tomorrow (actually today when I post this) about traditions. 

Have a magical day!


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